That’s the thinking behind the latest refresh of our Business Package, alongside our regular tweaks from our ongoing analysis of how the product is working. In our latest update of Business Package, we’ve expanded our trade footprint so you can now write pub, hotel and restaurant business. Since 2016, Business Package has offered bespoke solutions for UK-based businesses in a range of sectors, including retail, warehousing, manufacturing and wholesaling. Business Package combines broad standard cover with flexible optional sections, to create straightforward but tailored insurance. And it makes it the right place to look for cover for the leisure trade sectors we’ve added, including relevant leisure-related and entertainment facilities and risks.
Increased appetite to trade
Generally speaking, we’ve increased our appetite to trade, looking at each case’s financial merits, and reducing our rating for good performing risks, such as policies with fewer claims and higher NCD, recognising and rewarding good quality business. This makes the pricing more accurate, but on top of that we’ve also tweaked the rates. And don’t forget, Business Package is a Defaqto 5-star-rated, full-cycle product – so it’s highly competitive in the market in all sorts of different ways. If you’d like to know more, talk to your SBDM or RM, visit, or simply get a quote from TheHub or Acturis.

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