Coronavirus (COVID–19) Guidance for lockdown restrictions easing

At NIG, we are here to support you and your clients as best we can throughout this turbulent time. It’s crucial that business owners have access to relevant information and support. Here are some things for your clients to think about ahead of lockdown restrictions easing:

  • Consult and follow recommended Government guidelines
  • How will your clients implement and signpost social distancing requirements for staff and visitors to business premises?
  • Utilise PPE, shielding, additional hand washing facilities and restricted access to keep everyone safe
  • Consider a contingency plan if employees display symptoms e.g temporarily suspend trading or conduct a deep clean
  • Ensure all employees are aware of any changes to the safe system of work and that changes are documented
  • Has equipment/machinery been idle for a period of time? What needs to be done to ensure safe operation?
  • To document additional staff re-training

Useful guidance can be found on the Government Covid-19 website.

We hope you and your clients find this information helpful.

Stay safe and look after those around you.


We would always recommend utilising the official websites and resources where possible for up-to-date information.

For the latest news on the spread of Coronavirus, go to the NHS website and The World Health Organization.

For advice on managing the safety, health and security of mobile workers, go to the IOSH Report.

For a wealth of information and advice on operating as a business or self-employed worker, use the official website.