The dust has settled on BIBA 2017 and it’s safe to say that this year’s event lived up to the billing of largest insurance broking event in Europe.
More than you might think
NIG were front and centre within the exhibition centre, and ready to speak about the breadth and depth of our wide-ranging product portfolio from micro through to complex risks. We also shared details of our trading tools, which are designed to support you to win and retain business. These include our exclusive One Quote to Market approach, our Pre-Quote Survey capability, and services such as access to our Business Interruption Cost Calculator, and Risk Management Funding Support.
Conversations are Key
Insurance, and in particular BIBA, are all about conversations. Key themes that were discussed during our numerous scheduled and impromptu meetings included the economy, changes to the insurance market such as Ogden, and NIGs’ performance within the market.
NIG-style hospitality
As always we were offering our own unique NIG-style hospitality to those visiting our stand. The highlight was definitely our drinks reception. This gave you the chance to catch-up with your NIG colleagues and our executive team, all while sampling some delicious unique refreshments.
All in all it was a very successful BIBA for NIG. We thank everyone who visited our stand over the two days. It was fantastic to hear about your business, to cement existing relationships, and to build new relationships. We look forward to welcoming you all back to our stand next year.
For those who didn’t manage to make it to our stand this year here are some of the highlights — /biba2017