Sonya Bryson’s end of year message

What an extraordinary year for so many reasons and the challenges ahead for 2021 are now much clearer for us all to see. The economy, the hardening market and indeed the reputation of the general insurance industry are all things we’re facing together, and despite all of this and more I still feel optimistic about the future. The challenges of 2020 meant we absolutely had to put our people first – we had a responsibility to keep them safe and reassured and in turn, they’ve looked after you and our SME business customers without missing a beat. They are simply brilliant!

Whilst everyone adapted to the new normal of working from home, our claims colleagues were still working hard to get customers’ premises dried out from the storms earlier this year. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect when we launched NIG Risk Assist in the middle of the pandemic, which included specific advice and support for businesses affected by COVID-19. This proposition is available to all NIG policyholders and is a real value-add for businesses to understand and reduce their risk, putting them in a stronger position as we head into a market not seen for two decades. With new policy launches on Commercial Combined, Construction Combined, Cyber Cover and Motor Fleet, we’re future proofing NIG to ensure we’re always here when you need us.

It’s our solid relationships with you, our brokers, coupled with experienced local underwriters who are empowered to make decisions and want to trade that has carried us through, and which provides the springboard for a strong start in the New Year. We thank you wholeheartedly for your continued support – it’s been a bumpy ride with lots learned, and we look forward to trading with you next year. 

I wish you a safe and restful Christmas break to enjoy and recharge. See you in 2021!