All the resources you need to steer your clients through the ongoing coronavirus crisis

With spring on its way and the vaccination programme gathering pace, things are certainly looking more positive. But UK businesses still face many challenges in 2021 as a result of the pandemic, so it’s worth reminding your clients about the NIG Risk Assist COVID-19 Hub.

Packed with useful resources

It contains up-to-date information, templates and other useful resources to help businesses navigate through the pandemic, adapt to challenges, and ensure they’re compliant. The COVID-19 Hub supports clients on a range of issues that have the potential to cause a great deal of stress, and which they might be looking to their brokers to support them with. For example:

  • COVID-19 Business Continuity Planning for SMEs
  • Advice on protecting empty properties, while they’re forced to work from home
  • Coronavirus policy templates including risk assessments and checklists
  • Guidance on working from home, including details on cyber security
  • Supporting employees’ mental health and helping them cope with stress
  • A business reactivation toolkit, so when businesses reopen, they can get back on track quickly, safely and compliantly.

Keeping up with developments

We’re constantly reviewing and updating the NIG Risk Assist COVID-19 Hub to reflect the changing situation. Recent updates include the latest lockdown rules on travel corridors and guidance on HSE spot checks and inspections. So next time you speak to a client, please remind them how the NIG Risk Assist COVID-19 Hub can help them navigate these challenging times.

Sign up or log in to the broker NIG Risk Assist portal to access the Covid-19 Hub, or speak to your usual NIG contact.